竹,给了人太多的憧憬,太多深刻的记忆,以及太多太多无奈的感怀。松居和这名字可能对大多数人来说都比较陌生,事实上你肯定曾经听到过他那独特的尺八演奏,《燃情岁月》《蒙面侠佐罗》《太阳帝国》《勇敢者的游戏》《红场特警》等电影中都有松居和的配器演奏。或者你可能对尺八也不了解,事实上尺八是古中国一种竹制的箫,因身长一尺八寸而得名,又因出自唐代,故亦称“唐尺”。大约是日本的镰仓时期(1185-1333)传入日本,并得到很好的保护与发展,而在中原则早已失传。尺八音色与箫近似,却比箫更富于变化,玩过真侍魂的人一定记得牙神幻十郎的那段背景音乐吧,浓烈的萧杀之气笼罩在一片芦苇坡上,靠的就是尺八来撕碎这片冷静空气。松居和是有名的尺八吹奏家,在世界范围内都有一定的影响。这张专辑不同于其他的尺八专辑,它的的配器十分丰富,很完美地将各个器乐连同电子乐结合在一起,听起来很有新意. by Jason AnkenyA master of the shakuhachi (a Japanese traditional bamboo flute), new age artist Kazu Matsui was born in Tokyo on June 5, 1954. After spending the mid-'70s traveling through Europe and India, he studied ethnic arts at UCLA, returning to Tokyo to teach Educational Theories at Toyoeiwa Woman's University. Matsui concurrently mounted his music career with sessions including Danny O'Keefe's 1979 LP The Global Blues, subsequently appearing on sessions headlined by Ry Cooder (1982's Slide Area) and Joni Mitchell (1985's Dog Eat Dog); he additionally contributed music to a series of major Hollywood features including Willow, Legends of the Fall, and Jumanji, also producing recordings for his wife, keyboardist Keiko Matsui. He issued his debut solo album, Sign of the Snow Crane, in 1989, followed eventually by 1995's Wind, 1997's Tribal Mozart, and its 1999 sequel, Tribal Schubert. In 2002 the atmospheric Bamboo was released, and three years later came Stone Monkey, which featured his shakuhachi mixed with breakbeats. In 2006, another record for his side group, the Kazu Matsui Project, Pioneer, was issued.